Consumables are various items which are consumed upon use, and apply an effect towards the player or the surroundings.

LIGON SHROOM – Restores 20% base hunger
Muck Survival Book for Comsumables, Chests, Workstation, Tools and Weapons

SUGON SHROOM – Restores 20% base stamina
Muck Survival Book for Comsumables, Chests, Workstation, Tools and Weapons

GULPON SHROOM – Restores 20% base HP
Muck Survival Book for Comsumables, Chests, Workstation, Tools and Weapons

SLURBON SHROOM – Restores 15% base hunger, 15% base HP, and 15% base stamina
Muck Survival Book for Comsumables, Chests, Workstation, Tools and Weapons

RAW MEAT – Restores 12.5% base hunger and HP
Muck Survival Book for Comsumables, Chests, Workstation, Tools and Weapons

COOKED MEAT – Restores 50% base hunger and HP
Muck Survival Book for Comsumables, Chests, Workstation, Tools and Weapons

MEAT SOUP – Restores 50% base hunger and HP
Muck Survival Book for Comsumables, Chests, Workstation, Tools and Weapons

APPLE – Restores 25% base hunger and healthpoints
Muck Survival Book for Comsumables, Chests, Workstation, Tools and Weapons

BREAD – Restores 25% base hunger and healthpoints
Muck Survival Book for Comsumables, Chests, Workstation, Tools and Weapons

APPLE PIE – Restores 50% base hunger and HP
Muck Survival Book for Comsumables, Chests, Workstation, Tools and Weapons

MEAT PIE – Restores 50% base hunger and HP
Muck Survival Book for Comsumables, Chests, Workstation, Tools and Weapons

 For Muck players, this is an ultimate beginners guide with resources, craft and tips explained below, let’s check it out.



rock – use it as a tool to smack wood, imediately upgrade to wood tools (gray ronk)
wood – essential for work benches, tools and most crafting stations (tree, there are mutlitple types)
coal – used as fuel in furnaces and to make torch (get from normal ronk or found on the ground)
iron – need a wood pickaxe to mine, put in furnace with fuel for iron bar and use it to make anvil for armor and weapons (all ores not only iron) (black ronk)
mythrill – same thing as iron, used for tools and armor at anvil (blue ronk)
andiamanite (??? idk how its spelled) same as mythrill, at least i think havent went past this anyway (green ronk)


goblin guy has medium Hp and can melle and throw his bone
dinosaur guy has little HP and annoying in groups, ez to to dodge and kill
golem guy has alot of HP and has 2 attacks, ronk throw and ground smas
BIG CHUNK – the boss, spawns on 4th day and is really hard to kill, i recommend a full iron/mythrill set and a good ammount of red and yellow shrooms
dinosaur guy except shiny and throws fireballs what the muck is happening at this point


yellow mushroom: give food
red mushroom: give HP
pink mushroom: give stamina
sus rainbow mushroom: give a little bit of all
bread is made with wheat, preety good
meat come from cow
meat go in cauldron = better meat

 For Muck players, the rock giants are really dangerous enemies in the game, and this guide is about how to deal with rock giants solo, let’s check it out.



What do you get for killing him?

After killing Rock Giants you get parts to craft his hammer. I’m pretty sure its a good weapon but I’ve never gotten it.


Make sure to be prepared with weapons/armor/items before night 6 so you can easily take care of Rock Giants. A bow is recommended so you can shoot him from far away.

Dodge the rock attacks

Rock Giants throws big rocks that really hurt so you should probably dodge them. they’re pretty slow though, so its easy.

Take care of the other enemies

First you have to kill all the other enemies, or else they might distract you from the Rock Giants.




These are the chests that I’ve found and there are probably a few more out there, like free chest.

Muck Survival Book for Comsumables, Chests, Workstation, Tools and Weapons

Muck Survival Book for Comsumables, Chests, Workstation, Tools and Weapons

Muck Survival Book for Comsumables, Chests, Workstation, Tools and Weapons

Muck Survival Book for Comsumables, Chests, Workstation, Tools and Weapons

Muck Survival Book for Comsumables, Chests, Workstation, Tools and Weapons


ANVIL – 5 Iron bar + 15 Rock
Muck Survival Book for Comsumables, Chests, Workstation, Tools and WeaponsCAULDRON – 10 Wood + 10 Rock
Muck Survival Book for Comsumables, Chests, Workstation, Tools and WeaponsFLETCHING TABLE – 25 Birch Wood + 10 Flint
Muck Survival Book for Comsumables, Chests, Workstation, Tools and Weapons

FURNACE – 15 Rock
Muck Survival Book for Comsumables, Chests, Workstation, Tools and Weapons

Muck Survival Book for Comsumables, Chests, Workstation, Tools and Weapons


WOOD AXE – 5 Bark + 5 Wood
Muck Survival Book for Comsumables, Chests, Workstation, Tools and WeaponsSTEEL AXE – 5 Bark + 10 Birch Wood + 5 Iron
Muck Survival Book for Comsumables, Chests, Workstation, Tools and WeaponsGOLD AXE – 5 Bark + 5 Wood + 5 Gold Bar
Muck Survival Book for Comsumables, Chests, Workstation, Tools and Weapons

ADAMANTITE AXE – 5 Bark + 10 Oak Wood + 5 Adamantite Bar
Muck Survival Book for Comsumables, Chests, Workstation, Tools and Weapons

WOOD PICKAXE – 5 Bark + 5 Wood
Muck Survival Book for Comsumables, Chests, Workstation, Tools and Weapons

STEEL PICKAXE – 5 Bark + 10 Birch Wood + 5 Iron
Muck Survival Book for Comsumables, Chests, Workstation, Tools and Weapons

GOLD PICKAXE – 5 Bark + 5 Wood + 5 Gold Bar
Muck Survival Book for Comsumables, Chests, Workstation, Tools and Weapons

ADAMANTITE PICKAXE – 5 Bark + 10 Oak Wood + 5 Adamantite Bar
Muck Survival Book for Comsumables, Chests, Workstation, Tools and Weapons


STEEL SWORD – 7 Iron Bar + 5 Birch Wood
Muck Survival Book for Comsumables, Chests, Workstation, Tools and WeaponsGOLD SWORD – 5 Wood + 5 Gold Bar
Muck Survival Book for Comsumables, Chests, Workstation, Tools and WeaponsADAMANTITE SWORD – 5 Oak Wood + 7 Adamantite Bar
Muck Survival Book for Comsumables, Chests, Workstation, Tools and Weapons

READ:  Muck Survival Guide For Day 1 to Day 6

CHUNKIUM HAMMER – 15 Chunkium Bar + 1 Hammer Shaft
Muck Survival Book for Comsumables, Chests, Workstation, Tools and Weapons

WYVERN DAGGER – 10 Oak Wood + Wyvern Claws
Muck Survival Book for Comsumables, Chests, Workstation, Tools and Weapons

WOOD BOW – 15 Wood + Rope
Muck Survival Book for Comsumables, Chests, Workstation, Tools and Weapons

BIRCH BOW – 15 Birch Wood + Rope
Muck Survival Book for Comsumables, Chests, Workstation, Tools and Weapons

FIR BOW – 15 Fir Wood + Rope
Muck Survival Book for Comsumables, Chests, Workstation, Tools and Weapons

OAK BOW – 15 Oak Wood + Rope
Muck Survival Book for Comsumables, Chests, Workstation, Tools and Weapons




First tree you will chop down. A rock is needed to chop it down. Used to craft a workbench, bark, and wooden tools.Birch
Second tree you will chop. A Wooden Axe is needed to chop it down. Used to craft Steel Tools.

Third tree you will chop. A Steel Axe is needed to chop it down. Used to craft Mithril Tools.

Last tree you will chop. A Mithril Axe is needed to chop it down. Used to craft Adamatite Tools.


Dropped from the stone is used for arrows, a feather table.Coal
Big black, dropped by rock, used to smelt ores.

Big Grey chunk on the ground, drops rocks, used to craft chest, furnace, cauldron.

Big Black chunk on the ground, drops iron ore, used to smelt iron bar, used to craft steel tools.

Big light blue chunk on the ground, drops mithril ore, used to smelt mithril ore, used to craft mithril tools.

Big light green chunk on the ground, drops damatite ore, used to smelt mithril ore, used to craft adamatite tools.

Dropped by the Big Chunk, used to craft Chunkium Bar, used to craft Chunky Hammer, Chunkium Armor.

Generated structures

Battle Pylon
Spawns 3 buff enemies (from any enemies), after killing all enemies the pylon will broke and leave a Power Up.Respawn Pylon
Used to revive your friends for coins

A wooden cart with 1 – 3 chests with loot inside.

A hut with 1 – 3 chests, with loot inside. Also workbench on the outside.


Small size, light green color, small damage.Fire Dino
Medium size, orange colored, shoots fireballs, deals a lot of

Water Dino
Medium size, blue colored, shoots waterballs, deals a lot of damage

Electric Dino
Medium size, yellow colored, shoots electric balls, deals a lot of damage

Hits you with it’s bone, throws you with it’s bone. Deals more damage.

Flying enemy, shoots you with windballs, deals a lot of damage, very annoying.

Big Chunk
The only boss, spawns every 3/6/9(Gamer/Normal/Easy) days, every time it spawns it has more damage than before, 2 attacks : Slam – slams its rock hammer, Jump – Jumps towards the player and shoots underground beams. Deals a lot of damage.


Sugon shroom
Restores 20 hunger.Ligon shroom
Restores 20 stamina.

Gulpon shroom
Restores 20 health.

Slurbon shroom
Restores 15 of every.

Restores 5 health, 5 stamina and 15 hunger.

Restores 25 of every.

[bCooked meat[/b]
Restores 30 health, 50 hunger and 5 stamina.

Meat Soup
Restores 30 health, 50 hunger and 10 stamina.

Apple pie
Restores 40 health, 60 hunger and 20 stamina.

Meat pie
Restores 40 health, 60 hunger and 20 stamina.


Right now, the WYVERN DAGGER is the best weapon in MUCK. That isn’t saying a lot, because there really aren’t that many weapons in MUCK so far. And it is a supremely goofy little game, but let’s talk about the best weapon anyway. It attacks twice as fast as any other weapon — literally, each attack is two attacks in one! That also makes it one of the few unique weapons in the game, and getting it can be pretty tricky. You’ll have to go hunting for Wyverns — naturally.

To get the Wyvern Dagger, you’ll need a Fletcher table so you can craft arrows. While it isn’t strictly required, a Fletcher worktable and the bow / arrows you can make will help you take down Wyverns much, much easier. They’re flying enemies, so we really need a ranged attack! You can also use the fire balls, electricity balls, and ice balls that the different elemental enemies drop. They can be loaded into your bow and fired like any arrow. Nice!

How To Craft The Wyvern Dagger

The Wyvern Dagger is a powerful weapon you can craft from wyvern materials. It attacks x2 with each swing.

  • Wyvern Dagger Recipe10 Oak Wood + 1 Wyvern Claws

A furnace isn’t required to craft the Wyvern Claws. But, you need to be able to defeat a Wyvern — and they’re really annoying, so let’s talk about that.

How To Kill Wyverns

Wyverns are annoying flying enemies that shoot fireballs at you. You’ll want to get a bow to beat them.

  • Step #1: Craft a Fletching Table. (10 Flint + 25 Birch Wood)
    • Flint comes from rocks.
  • Step #2: Craft Rope. (Workbench10 Bark +10 Wheat)
  • Step #3: Craft a Bow! (Fletching Table1 Rope + 10 Wood)

Any arrows will work. Arrows are made at the Fletching Table with 1 Flint + 4 Wood. There are stronger types of arrows (and bows) and you can also use the elemental balls dropped by elemental enemies. Those weird balls can be used with any bow to launch magic attacks.